1.) What do you like to do/what are your interests?
I like going to the gym, colouring in, arts and crafts, and I love going out with my support worker at the weekend. I also love birds, collecting bird ornaments, and reading books about them. My favourite NZ bird is the piwakawaka/fantail.

2.) What do you like about working at Downlights?
Downlights is a fun place to work and I love the people who work with me. Making the candles makes me feel very happy.

3.) Question to their family: How has working at Downlights helped Taylor?
DL has given Taylor a real sense of pride and confidence. Learning new skills, self management, and satisfaction in her work at DL has meant that she has developed a greater overall maturity and outlook. It has been wonderful to observe!

4.) Question to Jennifer: How have you seen Taylor change?
Wow. Taylor is trying so many new things without the fear of failing she had. She knows it is ok to make a mistake and will keep carrying on if she has made an error. Taylor has always come to work with the brightest smile and she remembers the names of everybody she meets and this is such a wonderful part of her personality.

5.) What is the biggest thing you have learnt at Downlights?
Pouring the wax carefully into the glasses

6.) What is your favourite Fragrance? Noel

7.) Jenn’s Nickname for Taylor:
I don’t have one!

Taylor Downlights NZ