1.) What do you like to do/what are your interests?
I like walking (long walks) and going to the beach for a swim. I’ve even tried paddle boarding this year. I love cafes and picnics and music and any animals and I LOVE sleeping! I love my Dad, sisters and brother too.
2.) What do you like about working at Downlights?
I like working with my sister and my dad, and its fun when the Moxie crew are there as well. Work is fun and I really like working at the pop ups we do as I like meeting people. I also like saying “Jennifer Del Bel” and giving Jennifer lots of hugs.
3.) Question to their family: How has working at Downlights helped Emma?
Emma’s confidence has improved markedly to the point she can take a ferry on her own now, and she loves engaging with people much more than in the past. She is so much more independent and her ability to make eye contact with people and meet and greet has significantly improved.
4.) Question to Jennifer: How have you seen Emma change?
I have seen Emma blossom beyond anyone who has come to work at Downlights. When I first met Emma, she clung to her Dad and could not do one task without holding onto his hand. It would literally take four hours to make 1 candle. She tackles everything with careful attention and she is still the loving young lady I first met.
5.) What is the biggest thing you have learnt at Downlights?
I have learned how to concentrate on my tasks for much longer than in the past and not be so nervous meeting new people.
6.) What is your favourite Fragrance? Tutti Frutti.
7.) Jenn’s Nickname for Emma: Honey